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Warned of Such a Scenario

I'm old enough to remember when "tough on crime" was something both halves of our kosher One Party System could agree on. Of course, the vast majority of crime is committed by brown inferiors who have no business in a White country, so today any opposition to the coming all against all is clearly "racist." What was once political suicide is now the new consensus: prison amnesty for dangerous alien sewage. Honestly, what could possibly go wrong? These criminal hominids are, after all, "non-violent" drug offenders and basically good people being cruelly separated from their families by an evil system. I highly doubt any of them will start murdering random victims and if it does happen there's always the memory hole.

A notorious leader of the “Almighty Latin Kings” gang is now on the run after allegedly stabbing a man to death in Rhode Island, just nine months after being released from federal prison thanks to the “First Step Act.” 

I remember going to the Trump rally and yelling "Release dangerous gang members from prison!" until I lost my voice. The Kim Kardashian Act is just good common sense. The may-hee-can kangz are cherubic and innocent little undocumented citizens unfairly imprisoned for drug crimes that aren't hurting anyone. I bet this foreign criminal becomes a model citizen once it realizes the rule of law is a total joke in the North American Economic Sector.

In February, 41-year-old Joel Francisco — dubbed the “Crown Prince” of the Latin Kings gang in 2005 — was released from federal prison after President Donald Trump signed into law the First Step Act, promoted by a coalition of Democrats, Republicans, and progressive and libertarian nonprofits.

Releasing the crown prince of la-teen-oh crime is something every single element of our corrupt and dying system can agree on. Be sure to keep voting; you're doing a lot of good.

According to an investigative report by the Providence Journal‘s Brian Amaral and Katie Mulvaney, Francisco was convicted in 2005 for dealing crack cocaine and powder cocaine. The conviction was Francisco’s third drug conviction and therefore he was given a mandatory life sentence in federal prison.

Savage inequalities and a heartless and extreme punishment for a poor innocent foreign scumbag who probably had one puff on a joint or whatever and was given life in prison by the KKKorts. This living dog shit would have rotted away in some cell, but the combined wisdom of a whore with a bloated ass, an aspiring rapper and the "America First" president turned it loose to kill.

Orange Man Bad.

After Trump signed the First Step Act into law, though, Francisco had his life sentence for crack dealing reduced and he was released in February of this year, along with the other 3,100 convicts released this year by the new law.

I am so fucking tired of "winning" right now.

Before his release, Francisco pleaded with the court that he had turned his life around, noting his taking part in rehabilitation programs in prison, which advocates of the First Step Act readily cited to make their case that even violent convicts could be reformed and thus released.

Good boy, turning that life around. He was on his way to church when he sold those rocks for a cartel. Look at the sad expression on its brown greasy face. Let this monster out, the Loser Party really needs that 30% of the la-teen-oh vote.

On July 13, about six months after being released from prison, Francisco was accused of breaking into the home of his ex-girlfriend. When police arrived at the woman’s house, they found Francisco standing on her porch and a pocket knife in the nearby bushes that he had allegedly used to cut a window screen.
I know it looks bad, but I should point out that you're a "racist" and as such you're automatically wrong about everything while my insane ideas, like releasing career criminals, are based on "love" and therefore whatever actually happens doesn't matter.

Then, three months later on October 2nd, Francisco was accused of stabbing to death 46-year-old Troy Pine at a hookah lounge in the Federal Hill neighborhood.

Who could have predicted this? I mean, we're not Nostradamus here, okay?

“Some criminals deserve to spend their lives incarcerated,” Providence Police Department Deputy Chief Thomas Verdi told the Providence Journal. “Joel is one.”

Yeah. Or spend their lives on the end of a rope followed by dumping the remains back in may-hee-co.

In November 2018, Breitbart News reported that the First Step Act would result in the release of thousands of drug traffickers from prison despite their dealing deadly drugs such as fentanyl and heroin.

Countless Whites dead from overdoses. "Non-violent" offenders. Look at that giant ass. This based rapper put on a MIGA hat!

A report this year by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson stated that the First Step Act had successfully released about 240 sex offenders, nearly 60 convicted murderers and assailants, as well as almost 1,000 inmates convicted for drug crimes.

That 8% of the "African-American" vote is worth it, wise guy.

"Reduce crime."

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