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What a Bargain for the Gentiles

Please watch the following amazing video.

Now for the comments. Make sure you're not eating or drinking anything before reading.

Over 6 million pizzas sent to the oven!  #nvr4get

WTF ? I love Little Caesars now !

Oh vey shut it down! 

Why do the pizza chambers have wooden doors, Tone?

Does this mean Little Caesar's did the hall of cost?

$4 Dollar pizza deal? What a deal for $5. I can't believe it's just $6 for all that food.

Why does everyone in this commercial do a Dianne Feinstein impression?

If it takes 7 minutes to cook a pizza, it would take 80 years to cook 6,000,000.  hmmm... boggles the noggin!

Ay Tone, you tryina tell me you can bake 3 pizzas in the same oven in 10 minutes? Somethin aint addin up

The trauma from this will linger in DNA for generations 

800 to 900 yards from the place where the ovens were, the pizzas were squeezed into little cars that ran on rails. In Little Caesars these cars had various dimensions and could hold up to 15 pizzas. As soon as a car was loaded, it would be set in motion on an inclined plane that traveled at full speed down a corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a wall, and in the wall was the door to the oven. As soon as the car hit the wall, the door opened automatically, and the car would dip forward and pitch its cargo of fresh pies into the oven. Right behind it came another car with another load and so on.

 The perfect topping for my Little Caesar's pizza.

Oy vey hate speech laws against gods chosen needs to be expanded.

"We defeated the wrong enemy!" General Patton was murdered for speaking the truth

Okay, didn't expect the dog to be a jew too.

Mossad false flag on Little Caesars headquarters incoming. Brace yourselves goyim..

Kicked out of 109 pizzerias, it's never their fault?

This whole entire comment section is based and pizzapilled.

think of the 600 zillion pizzas that were baked in 4 years!

Not for nuttin' T, but why did dey waste time puttin numbas on da dough if dey was just gonna bake em in the oven? It don't make no sense.

My grandma was cheesed 6 times and made to eat raw crust

Remember the 69 trillion

The pizza cries out in pain as he burns the roof of your mouth...
The pizza always says that he was in the oven, but never says why...

5 dollars? What do you need 4 dollars for?

Wow! I can buy 250 of them with my Yangbux.

Gradually, I began to eat them.

Why did I find shekels in my pizza?

Me and my wife's son jamal just love this pizza!

Exclusive video from inside AIPAC

Its sad how so many people belive that the $4 lunch combo is fake. There's mountains of evidence proving this is real. Tell that to the 6 million customers who ate there!

Death to Pizza Hut

Oy vey this is an anti semitic commercial. Some Nazi in the marketing department should be ashamed of themselves it's another shoah. But this is a great deal.

Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni ~ "Anti-semitic", "its a trick we always use it"

My grandmother was a pizza. She escaped 3 different ovens because the wopsies kept running out of parmesan. Never forget your napkins.

When you bomb USS Liberty

Cool it with the anti-semetic gestures!


The Hebrews rub their hands because it is free warmth with little labor

Brought to you in part by the Transatlantic traders and merchants organization.

LMAO. Watch little caesars' ceo get found suicided 

Tha Pizza Moichants turned my Grandfatha into a stack of crazy bread! Da Horrah!

If little Caesars makes up less then 1% of all pizza makers in the world, how come they own more then 90% of all pizza banks in the US?

How could zey interrupt my favorite shoah with anaddah commercial?

Who do you think owns the pizza industry?

The pizza is immunized against all dangers: one may call it overcooked, undercooked, stale, high cholesterol, it all runs of it like water off a raincoat. But call it a non-italian pizza, and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

The goyim know

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