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Cooking Norwegian Fjord Trout

When the Makan Fairy Godmother invited me for a How to Cook Trout Workshop, I was rather interested.  Back in the days when we were but culinary illiterates, (not that we have PhDs now, but at least we know the difference between butter and margarine), the only trout I ever heard of was Rainbow Trout, a dish served in whatever few western restaurants there were in KL.  Of course, development has spawned a whole new world for us, be it seafood or landfood, and in the last two decades or so, our kuraus (threadfin), pomfret  and tenggiris (mackerel)  (which incidentally I love) seem to have taken a back seat to the foreign fish, like salmon, cod, and more recently, TROUT...and we're not talking the rainbow variety. 

The “Cooking Norwegian Fjord Trout” Workshop at KDU University College in Shah Alam on 30 November, began with video presentation of where Norwegian Fjord Trout is farmed, by Jon Erik Stenslid, Director, Southeast Asia, Norwegian Seafood Council.

He introduced himself saying that with his name we probably expected a blond blue eyed chappie, but his exotic parentage of Norwegian Japanese Mix actually maked him the perfect person for the job....fresh sustainable fatty fish, which can be eaten sashimi style.  The best of both worlds really.

So when is a trout a trout and when is a salmon a salmon, and is there such a thing as salmon trout? (I've actually seen that label in supermarkets here)

Anyway, our education for the day was in the form of a  journey through the cold, clear waters of Norway, with fjords stretching deep into its coastline. Seawater meets fresh meltwater from glaciers and snow, presenting the perfect living conditions in the ocean for fjord trout. Whilst totally inhospitable to man, the conditions as per their tagline, NORWAY HAS THE BEST LIVING CONDITIONS, for fjord trout.

Her Excellency Gunn Jorid Roset, the Norwegian Ambassador to Malaysia, was present at the event organised by the Norwegian Seafood Council. She later donned an apron and joined the media in the hands-on cooking workshop led by Chef Jimmy Chok. The chef has worked with Norwegian seafood for the past 10 years.

Meanwhile Chef Chok brings out the bounty of the day, and for sake of comparison, shows us the two fish....asking for a show of hands who thought which was salmon and which was trout.  Actually to cut a long story short, to me, the salmon has more black dots on its face and cheek, whilst the trout has a clearer cheek.  So to me it really boils down to ....


The official explanation however is...

......the fjord trout head is rounder and that of the salmon is sharper, and the difference in colour between the two, the fjord trout being of a deep red-orange while that of the salmon a pink colour. (but you can only tell that after cutting it open)...
The fjord trout grows to a weight of 2-5 kilos, which is generally a bit smaller than salmon. The skin of the fjord trout is similar to salmon, with a lustrous and silvery colour.

To cook a trout, not unlike salmon, fry on low heat (that was a surprise) skin side down first.  Let it sizzle, the oils will ooze out, and apparently it's this oil that gives that fishy smell...

The layer of white as it cooks...

Then flip it to side B, and let it sizzle away...

Don't forget to sear the sides too....

He (Chef Jimmy Chok) did say that the fish can be cooked in so many styles, including Asian styles of curries, assam, sweet sour, steamed....but today's workshop was simple pan seared with a mango pomelo salsa.

Ingredients for the salsa....

The perfectly seared piece of trout...an expert, apparently would be able to tell the doneness by delicately prodding the sides with a finger...

Chef's plated dish...

Chef Jimmy Chok, Her Excellency Gunn Jorid Roset, Jon Erik Stenslid, Director, Southeast Asia, Norwegian Seafood Council.

Time to eat.... look at that glorious colour...

And then it was time to work.... at a hands on cook your own lunch in the test kitchens of KDU University College...

My cooking partner, together with Makan Fairy Godmother...

Even the VIPs had to work....

My finished work, which I thought was rather delicious, and the fish perfectly done #noshame #thickskinned ...I really do prefer my salmon or trout undercooked more than over...Probably the equivalent of a medium rare for steak...

Us three

How often does one get to pose next to an Ambassador.... Her excellency was most hospitable and gracious.

Some info from the press release which I shall just regurgitate like a puffin in the arctic....

Norway is the second largest seafood exporter in the world, and the world’s largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon and Fjord Trout. Harvesting from the seas has always been an important part of Norwegian culture and history. In fact, fishing was a vital premise for the first Norwegians being able to settle and live along the cold, windy coastline of this northern country.
For centuries seafood has been both a basic source of food and an important trade for Norway. This has given Norwegians unsurpassed knowledge and experience in every aspect of handling these precious treasures from the sea.

About Norwegian Seafood Council
The Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) is owned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. The Norwegian seafood industry finances its activities through fees levied on all exports of Norwegian seafood. NSC is the approval authority for Norwegian seafood exporters. Headquartered in Tromsø, NSC has presence in major markets around the world aiming to increase the value of Norwegian seafood resources. NSC oversees the administration and use of the trademark “Seafood from Norway”, a joint value for the Norwegian seafood industry. Together with the industry, NSC aims to increase the demand for and consumption of seafood from Norway. For more information, please visit https://en.seafood.no/

“Seafood from Norway” Trademark

Seafood will always be an essential part of our diet. However, consumers today are increasingly focused on the origin of food, how it is produced and how it meets concerns regarding sustainability. Norway was built on its seafood industry, and managing its ocean resources in a sustainable manner.
The new trademark “Seafood from Norway” is addressing these matters, founded on a genuine concern for environment. This trademark is a symbol of origin and quality for all Norwegian seafood, farmed or wild caught in Norway’s cold, clear waters. Because there is no doubt about it: Origin matters.

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