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Merry Christmas!!! {2014}

Merry Christmas!!! {2014}

(*Some recent unedited photos taken by my sweet sister Kelsey Steindler Photography)

I just wanted to hop on here real quick and wish you all a wonderful beautiful blessed joyful Christmas day! Christmas is all about Christ's arrival and what that means for all of us! We are so blessed to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father and to remember that each year by celebrating Jesus' birth is just so special and important to us.   Im so thankful we have a son and now a daughter on the way to teach about Gods love for us and why we celebrate holidays like Chritsmas and Easter. We can quickly lose sight of the real meaning behind Christmas with all of the chaos of parties, decorating, traditions, cookies, etc.  Christmas is my favorite holiday because of all the goodness of family tradition and the many many blessings around celebrating all month, but really its about the coming of Christ and giving, being an example of His gift of love/life by giving to our loved ones, neighbors, friends, coworkers, and strangers.  My in laws do such a wonderful job of showing us this by gifting us all with a donation to make to a charity, this year and last year it was to the families of Malawi, Africa, and I cannot wait to share this tradition with our children and teach them to give of themselves, their talents, time and money to help others and to teach other's about Christ's love and His example.  

I hope you all have such a special day with your loved ones and stop soak it all in.


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