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A full breakfast at JD Bakeshop

Breakfast was first in our itinerary when we went to Guimaras. With island hopping and visiting the attractions of the nearby island in our list that day, we need to build our energy to accomplish these things in just a day. So we had our first meal of the day at JD Bakeshop and Restaurant that morning in downtown Iloilo City.
Our lot consisted of JD Rice Squares (Spanish and Japanese variants), pancit Molo and ginat-an for dessert.

This Spanish rice square is almost like a a meaty paella with pork bits, sausages and greens topped with sunny side up egg. A serving of this rice topping is almost good enough for two but just enough for one having a big appetite.
A Japanese version of this rice square consists of a mix of seafood and ground meat with a hint of ginger also topped with egg.
Our hot soup was pancit Molo but it wasn't that appetizing and not the taste I love compared to the one I had at JD Roadhouse before.
This ginat-an was too sweet and lacks the homey flavour one looks for this native delicacy.
But this big breakfast served it's purpose that day for our next big meal was almost 5pm with only a haul of native delicacies in between.

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